Champs Elysee with Christmas Lightning and
Arc de Triomphe in the back
I have to admit it: I was extremely lazy in November as far as posting on the blog goes. I think there were a couple of external factors that contributed to my laziness such as the infamous strike (when I couldn’t do much and had to become a couch potato). The fact that I’ve had a cold for over a week now hasn’t helped either. I’m in the coughing stage and I really hope it goes away soon. Ok, but I’m going to stop with the excuses and get started with updating everyone on what I have been up to.
I continue to go to school, and will do so until December 20th. I changed to a different course but I continue to go to the same school. Now I’m going 3 times a week as opposed to 5 times a week (I’m off on Wednesdays and Fridays). Taking this less intensive course allows me to save some money and at the same time gives me 2 extra days to do more sightseeing and other extra-curricular activities. The school will be closed 2 weeks at the end of December because of the holidays and they will re-open the second week of January. Since my plan is to stay in Paris until the third or fourth week in January I have decided not to go to school in that month so I can visit some places near Paris and other places in France before I leave this country. I continue to be very happy with the school because as I said before it has a very good teaching methodology and I do feel that I’m making progress. I took a 3-hour oral and written comprehension test on Thursday for which I will get the results next month. I guess I better wait to see those results before I can claim victory.
The school experience in Paris has definitely been very different from the one in Munich. Here it has been more of a true educational experience and less of a social one. What happens is that most of the people who attend the French Alliance, at least in the morning sections, are here to stay: some because of work, some because they are going to attend a graduate program and then the majority because they have a French boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife. So the vast majority of my classmates come to class, they stay from time to time to have lunch or have a coffee as a group and then they go on with their already established Parisian lives. In Munich on the contrary, people were there for only a couple of weeks at a time to improve their German skills before going back to their countries. Therefore, everyone was by themselves and they had nothing else to do after class. They were all eager to go out and see as much of the city as possible before going back home. In addition, the school in Munich was always planning a bunch of after school activities whereas the school here is not really into that. So most of the people that I’ve met here and that I hang out with are people who are not students; and that is why the French experience feels so different. And I think it is great!! I can truly separate one from the other…and not only because of the obvious differences (language, culture, food, and the French people) but because of my environment (the people I’ve met and made friends with and my daily and weekend activities). In the afternoons and on the weekends I’ve been doing a lot of sightseeing on my own: museums, churches and cathedrals, and just plain walking thru different neighborhoods in Paris. I’ve also spent some time doing window shopping as this city is filled with very cute and quaint little stores. But only window shopping; my student budget does not allow me to buy things that I do not really need right now; especially when I consider the astronomical prices of everything here in Paris and make the conversion into dollars. I also don’t have a lot of space in my bags so what I have I’m saving it all for books, movies and music.
A parisian building -- Jardin du Luxembourg
The weather has been good. The temperature in the last couple of days has been somewhere between the mid 40’s and the low 50’s. In the afternoons it does get overcastted and it rains a little bit. But with a good umbrella and raincoat you can still go out for a walk. The only problem is when it gets too windy because then it does feel colder and you also have to struggle with your umbrella: making sure it does not get blown away from your hands or that you do not fly away with it.
OK…I have some more things to talk about but it is past midnight, I’m tired and I have to wake up at 730AM to go to class. I will leave you with a couple of pictures and with the promise of more stories and more pictures throughout the week.
Notre Dame Cathedral at night (with Christmas tree)