Sunday, March 9, 2008

34 days around an nth part of the World

On Thursday morning I left Madrid on my personal tour of Europe for approximately 34 days. I left with a carry-on luggage (I decided that a backpack was too much strain on my back and my shoulders and I would not have space for any souvenirs), and a tentative itinerary. Before leaving I also left all of my clothes and books packed in 2 big suitcases. A friend is being relocated to Miami from Madrid and he is shipping my stuff together with all of his belongings (furniture) at the end of March.
So this is the itinerary I have planned so far:
  • Barcelona (where I currently am visiting a friend). This weekend we drove to Lourdes (France) and tomorrow I will make a day trip to Tarragona. On Tuesday I will stay touring Barcelona.
  • Poland: Warsaw and Krakov by myself for 3 days
  • Hungary: Budapest for 3 days and a half with Marelys, her boss and a coworker (they are all there for a business trip but will arrive in the weekend so we can all tour the city)
  • Bulgaria: 4 days in Sofia, Rila and Plovnic by myself
  • Croatia: 3 days in Split and Dubrovnik by myself
  • Italy: 3 days in Bari visiting a friend
  • Spain: 12 days in Granada, Seville (visiting a friend), and Canarias (visiting a friend)
From Canarias I will fly back to Madrid and stay there for 1-2 weeks before taking my flight back home to Miami, and back to reality!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pobrecita la niña como sufre!

Cuidate y sigue escribiendo

Un besote