Friday, May 18, 2007

Dear Weather Man,

We are seriously considering writing a letter to all the meteorologists who forecasted an average temperature of 70-something degrees for Munich this week. Something along the lines of:

Dear weather man, please accept this letter as our suggestion to consider exploring another career path...etc.etc.etc

Yesterday the temperature averaged 48 degrees and it never stopped raining. And even tough we had an umbrella we did not escape from getting our tennis shoes, socks and jeans wet. And of course, all of our clothing attempted to dry on us over a 48 degree temperature. It was pretty cold....Oh!! and let's not even talk about the hair; it was an awful hair day. The good thing is that today the sun was out and the temperature is somewhat higher.

Nevertheless, the visit to the Neuschwanstein castle was amazing and if I had to do it over a 10 degree temperature I would happily do it. Everything about it is fairy-tale like: the setting, the facade, the interior, the views. We left Munich at 850A.M in the morning and took a 2 hour train to the nearby town of Füssen. From Füssen a bus takes you to the bottom of the castle from where you have 3 options: get a carriage to take you up to the castle, take a bus up to a point near the castle and then walk downhill for about 5-10 minutes or just walk all the way up to the castle for about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, I can't download the pictures from the camera to the computers on the Internet cafe. So I do not foresee being able to post any of my pictures until I get back "home" in 2 weeks :-( In the meantime, here are some pictures of the castle from the castle's official website

Very early this morning we left from Munich (our train departed at 7:22AM) to Berlin where we are staying until Tuesday morning. Today has been a day of relaxation!!! We are using it to re-charge our batteries for this weekend as we will be doing a lot of walking and sightseeing in Berlin...I also love this city. It brings me a lot of good memories as this was the very first city in Europe I ever visited...back in 1990. I came here with a group of about 20 friends and classmates from my school in Colombia. We came to Germany for a 3-month long student exchange and spend the first week of it in Berlin before going to live with our German families. We spend the week visiting all the historical places and landmarks we had heard our German professors talk about time after time: Das Reichstag (The Parliament), The Berlin Wall (it had just falled down 6 months prior to our visit), Checkpoint Charlie and the former East Berlin.

More to come on Berlin....stay tuned.