Monday, May 28, 2007

Parenthesis ()

I have to make a parenthesis and share with you the good news that my car has been sold!! After having to hear everyone joke about my car, its condition and the feasibility to sell it or get rid off it I am proud to say that it sold as if it were the last Coca-Cola in the dessert. The add was placed on the Flyer on Monday of last week, and by Wednesday my brother had sold it for $3,200. Yes, I know that some of you may find this shocking because you thought that I was probably going to get only $500 or less for it...right Jose?? But I was right my car was no "transportation".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Queridas Amiguitas....
no se imaginan como las extranamos, cada dia me imagino como la estan pasando de chevere y me muero de la envidia.... Noticias del otro lado del charco, es miercoles 30, acaban de anunciar que Geisha se va de la compania, Helenita ha sido promovida a Manager de Reliability, y yo empiezo mi nuevo trabajo en Supply chain el lunes junio 4....Se van ustedes, y se derrumba la piramide...JA, JA.. Tomense unos vinitos por mi y me facina leer las historias, Jake ni me deja pero me las leo cada que puedo. Disfruten cada instante y acuerdense que aca las adoramos...
Chao chicas...Lina